Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Monday Night Mash-Ups: June 19, 2006

The most popular post in the short history of this site is Culture Bully's 10 Favorite Mash-Ups of 2005. In the spirit of that, I'd like to introduce some of the best mash-ups that I've come across for the week ending Monday, June 19, 2006. As always, they're not for everyone, but for those who still like 'em, enjoy.

Aggro 1 "Pink Party Factory (Pink vs. Fear Factory)" (mp3)
Arty Fufkin "Barrel of Goo (Beastie Boys vs. Sonic Youth)" (mp3)
DJ Jay-R "Kinky Park (Jay-Z vs. The Kinks)" (mp3)
DJ Nicky-T "Shaggy Fat Boy (Shaggy vs. Fatboy Slim)" (mp3)